The Oregon Global Warming Commission is a 25-member advisory group created by the 2007 Legislature. Members were appointed and directed to develop long-term policy recommendations to prepare for, adapt to, and combat global warming. Public comments can be submitted to the commission at Sign up for the Oregon Climate Change News listserv to hear about future Oregon Global Warming Commission meetings.

For more information on climate change activities in Oregon, go to the Global Warming Commission’s site,  You can also gather information from the Oregon Department of Energy’s site.

One area the commission is exploring is the role of Oregon’s forests in storing or releasing carbon and how this might affect climate change.  The commission’s task force on this subject will meet Monday, February 27, in Salem. The public meeting will be held from 1 – 4 pm in the Tillamook Room at the Oregon Department of Forestry, 2600 State St.

For more on the commission’s work on forestry issues, go here.