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Board Announces Transition Plan

September 9, 2022
The Oregon Shores board is excited to share big news.
With the addition of a half-time Communications Coordinator earlier this year and plans underway to create a new position, Land Use Coordinator, focused on planning for estuaries, we are well situated to make a greater impact in 2023.
However, we feel an even bolder move is necessary to take Oregon Shores to the next level. Therefore, we also will add the role of Conservation Director to the staff, starting January 1.
Rather than bring on someone new, we have asked our present Executive Director, Phillip Johnson, to slide into that role. The Conservation Director position will focus nearly all of Phillip’s energy on the aspects of our work that take the most advantage of his vast experience and historical knowledge of coastal land use planning, shoreline management, marine conservation, and other key aspects of Oregon Shores’ mission. This is a challenging role and we feel Phillip’s expertise will be critical.
This fall, the board will conduct a hiring process for a new Executive Director, who will take over that role by the end of the year. To learn more about our goals for this new position, see the job announcement.
The current board and previous board members are so grateful for the many years of dedicated service Phillip has provided to Oregon Shores. His tenacity and dedication have continually won victories for the coast in battles that would otherwise have been lost.
This is an exciting time for Oregon Shores. Last year we celebrated our 50th anniversary. Now, as we move into our next half-century, we hope our members share our excitement about the ways in which we are growing and increasing our capacity to protect the coast.
We will keep you apprised of the progress of our search for a new Executive Director. Please help us spread the word to those who might be interested.
The Oregon Shores Board