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All Mile 312 Reports

Showing 8 of 27 reports

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Mile 312

Cannon Beach, Tolovana Park south

December 19, 2011

nothing unusual to report

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Mile 312

Cannon Beach, Tolovana Park south

September 12, 2011

Recent testing of the Tolovana Wayside Chisana Creek outfall water quality by Oregon State showed extremely high readings for enterococci-9804.

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Mile 312

Cannon Beach, Tolovana Park south

May 12, 2011

sand is high on the bluffs now, city has had to remove sand from outfall areas, sand covers lower stairs or entrancesno concerns

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 312

Cannon Beach, Tolovana Park south

January 23, 2011

Normal appearing winter beach scene.

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 312

Cannon Beach, Tolovana Park south

September 3, 2010

Sand has filled in quite a bit.

Mile 312

Cannon Beach, Tolovana Park south

June 17, 2010

Recent high tides have brought in several wracks of plastic debris again, small in size.

Mile 312

Cannon Beach, Tolovana Park south

March 14, 2010

This home is a few feet south of the Tolovana Inn in Cannon Beach.

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 312

Cannon Beach, Tolovana Park south

March 3, 2010

Lots of driftwood, large and small from recent high surf activity.