All Mile 254 Reports
Mile 254
Kiwanda Beach, Neskowin Crest
Evidence of much rounded erosion in fore dunes from "Sisters" checkpoint to Neskowin CrestCliffs at end of the mile are collapsing as evidenced by dead and fallen shrubsOddly I saw no birds or marine life today
Mile 254
Kiwanda Beach, Neskowin Crest
The sand is sloping upward (east) all along the mile.
Mile 254
Kiwanda Beach, Neskowin Crest
It has been 2 months since I walked this mile of beach.
Mile 254
Kiwanda Beach, Neskowin Crest
Aside from the large amount of jellyfish there was not much out of the ordinary.
Mile 254
Kiwanda Beach, Neskowin Crest
Three new foot paths from dune to beach have been carved out between 'Sisters' and Neskowin Crest.
Heidi Heidenreich
Mile 254
Kiwanda Beach, Neskowin Crest
There were many mussel shells clustered at McMinnville beach access, a deep hole (human dug) in front of the Breakers Condos, a lot of clear jellyfish (dead) in the tideline (not wrackline).