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All Mile 224 Reports

Showing 8 of 52 reports

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

August 7, 2009

A very large number of people at this beach.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

June 4, 2009

Pleasant walk on the mile, very little litter, saw 5 whimbrels, pelicans fishing offshore (unusual # of birds).


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

November 19, 2008

Clean beach at fairly low tide on a cloudy day.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

August 8, 2008

Very crowded beach at southern end of mile-where there is beach access from Beverly Beach state park/campground.


Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

May 7, 2008

Significant exposure of the beach not long after low tide, unusual number of short lengths of lumber (used) in the driftline, some shorebirds seen on the beach--unusual sight on this mile.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

March 5, 2008

Main reason to file this report is to document my sight of a bald eagle.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

March 4, 2008

Beautiful sunny day.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

January 25, 2008

Beautiful, sunny & warm day on the beach.
