All Mile 182 Reports
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
Very Little in the wrack line today on the minus tide, small feathers, micro plastic and pieces of wood.
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
Not a lot in the driftline due to recent king tide.
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
No issue to report, but a recently deceased sturgeon was near the top of the wrack line.
Dale Lee
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
Lots of people walking dogs today.
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
There was a low tide and numerous tide pools.
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
Lots of people out today on all three beaches, lots of people rockhounding.
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
China creek and Big creek with large amounts of water in them due to recent rainfall.
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
Thousands of 1 inch tubes in the drift line.