Mile Details

All Mile 179 Reports

Showing 4 of 12 reports

Mile 179

Heceta Head Lighthouse, Devils Elbow SP, Cape Creek

March 8, 2009

Juvenile, 40-foot-long male Fin Whale washed up on beach at Heceta Head.


Mile 179

Heceta Head Lighthouse, Devils Elbow SP, Cape Creek

August 28, 2008

It was a sunny calm morning with no one in the parking lot when I arrived.


Mile 179

Heceta Head Lighthouse, Devils Elbow SP, Cape Creek

August 3, 2008

It was a beautiful calm morning with only one car from Montana with a couple photographing tide pools which they had never seen before.


Mile 179

Heceta Head Lighthouse, Devils Elbow SP, Cape Creek

April 13, 2008

It was a pleasant day for beach goers, alternating sun and overcast with moderate wind.
