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All Mile 106 Reports

Showing 5 of 21 reports

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 106

Bullards Beach, west of Fahys Lake

February 15, 2009

Cool calm day in the middle of President's weekend.

Doug C

Mile 106

Bullards Beach, west of Fahys Lake

October 13, 2008

Beautiful day, 10 mph northerly winds and sunshine.

Doug C

Mile 106

Bullards Beach, west of Fahys Lake

May 26, 2008

Cloudy day and calm winds.

Doug C

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 106

Bullards Beach, west of Fahys Lake

January 1, 2008

Great way to start the New Year.

Doug C

Mile 106

Bullards Beach, west of Fahys Lake

October 13, 2007

This was our inaugural trip on our adopted mile.

Doug C