Report Details

Storm surges and unusually high tides have eaten away the vegetated dune along my mile, as well as south and north of it. In addition, logs continue to accumulate -- even in the dune areas. The Snowy Plover Habitat Restoration area has also been encroached upon by tidal action, particularly at the north end. There is litter from the sea, as usual, but much of it is in the storm tide line.(Incidentally, China Creek at the beach access has changed position. It no longer meanders north but takes an almost straight line out to sea. In addition, there are high sand walls along the streambed below the parking area, indicated a lot of water came through there.) Shells, small rocks, ocean-based debris, Styrofoam and several beached jellies in the driftline. Sanderlings foraging at surfline. Gulls and crow on beach. Driftwood removal by chainsaw observed slightly north of the HRA. One dead bird, possibly a Western Grebe. Low human impact (0).


Temperature: 50 F. Cloud Cover: Partly Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: SE. Tide Level: 4.0 feet.


Driftwood removal

Apparent violations: Chainsaw activity obvious slightly north of h.r.a..

Notable Wildlife

Sanderling flocks feeding in tideline; gulls hanging out; crow watching from top of log.

Beached Birds

Total dead birds: 1. Not much left of this seabird except a long neck and funny feet--maybe a Grebe.

Dead Fish or Invertebrates

A couple of jellies (clear and clumpy).

Driftline Content

Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.), Shells, Small rocks, Styrofoam.

Natural Changes

Evidence of wave overtopping, Visible retreat of solid bluff.

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All Mile 97 Reports

Showing 8 of 70 reports

Mile 97

Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake

December 8, 2013

A nearly nonexistent driftline with just a few Chrysaora jellies and a few small rocks.

D Bilderback

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 97

Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake

June 9, 2013

A light diftline of a few Postelsia, some Fucus, Ulva, Hymenena and Nereocystis, crab molts, broken Sand Dollars, jellies, the Ctenophore, Pleurobrachia, the Tunicate, Salpa maxima and Phyllospadix, surfgrass.

D Bilderback

Mile 97

Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake

March 19, 2013

Sparse driftline of small rocks, a few shells and broken Sand Dollars, one clump of Bull Kelp (Nereocystis) and a few strands of Macrocystis.

D Bilderback

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 97

Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake

November 24, 2012

European beachgrass dominated the driftline.

D Bilderback

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 97

Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake

September 18, 2012

Shells, rocks, crab carapaces, a few kelp/algae, wood, green phytoplankton scum, broken sand dollars in driftline.

D Bilderback

Mile 97

Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake

June 17, 2012

Light driftline of many Ctenophores, small rocks, a few shells and crab carapaces, one Sea Star and pieces of the flowering plant, Lasthenia maritima.

D Bilderback

Mile 97

Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake

December 30, 2011

Light driftline with fresh water aquatic plants- Myriophyllum (Water Milfoil), terrestrial plant debris-stems, leaves and needles and saltwater plants, Phyllospadix (Surfgrass)and Eelgrass, Zostera.

D Bilderback

Mile 97

Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake

September 19, 2011

The beach consisted of a high ridge of accumulated sand with a six degree slope and lagoons in the runnel.

D Bilderback