Mile 97 Report
Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake
December 5, 2007
This is a radically changed beach since the two-day windstorm/high-tide period.
Report Details
This is a radically changed beach since the two-day windstorm/high-tide period. Tons of wood, lots of trash from the sea, and 4 injured birds, possibly Western Grebes. Tides have gone well into the dunes so walking can be dangerous. Shells, animal casings, kelp/algae, wood pieces, plastic pellets, ocean-based debris and Styrofoam in driftline. Erosion of vegetated foredune and evidence of wave-overtopping. High tides washed over Snowy Plover Habitat Restoration area. Low human impact (0).
Temperature: 50 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: NW. Tide Level: 7.0 feet.
Notable Wildlife
seagulls, Western Sandpipers, Sanderlings
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1. not much left, possibly seagull.
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.), Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Shells, Styrofoam, Wood pieces.
Natural Changes
Erosion of vegetated foredune, Evidence of wave overtopping.
Actions & Comments
Hurricane-force winds and very high tides have brought in tons of trees and much litter. in addition, the tides have gone over the dunes in places they usually do not reach. an extreme example is the north end of the snowy plover habitat restoration area, where the tides reached the bulldozed sandpile.
All Mile 97 Reports
Mile 97
Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake
A nearly nonexistent driftline with just a few Chrysaora jellies and a few small rocks.
D Bilderback
Mile 97
Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake
A light diftline of a few Postelsia, some Fucus, Ulva, Hymenena and Nereocystis, crab molts, broken Sand Dollars, jellies, the Ctenophore, Pleurobrachia, the Tunicate, Salpa maxima and Phyllospadix, surfgrass.
D Bilderback
Mile 97
Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake
Sparse driftline of small rocks, a few shells and broken Sand Dollars, one clump of Bull Kelp (Nereocystis) and a few strands of Macrocystis.
D Bilderback
Mile 97
Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake
European beachgrass dominated the driftline.
D Bilderback
Mile 97
Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake
Shells, rocks, crab carapaces, a few kelp/algae, wood, green phytoplankton scum, broken sand dollars in driftline.
D Bilderback
Mile 97
Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake
Light driftline of many Ctenophores, small rocks, a few shells and crab carapaces, one Sea Star and pieces of the flowering plant, Lasthenia maritima.
D Bilderback
Mile 97
Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake
Light driftline with fresh water aquatic plants- Myriophyllum (Water Milfoil), terrestrial plant debris-stems, leaves and needles and saltwater plants, Phyllospadix (Surfgrass)and Eelgrass, Zostera.
D Bilderback
Mile 97
Bandon SP, between Twomile Cr and Bradley Lake
The beach consisted of a high ridge of accumulated sand with a six degree slope and lagoons in the runnel.
D Bilderback