Mile 93 Report
Mouth of New River, Fourmile Creek
September 19, 2012
Japanese tsunami debris baseline report: SOLV bag still against the boat dock.
Report Details
Japanese tsunami debris baseline report: SOLV bag still against the boat dock. On mile 94 a small, dead shark, approximately 3 ft. from snout to tip of tail, black-gray back and white underbelly. Snowy Plover signs along the beach have been removed.
All Mile 93 Reports
Mile 93
Mouth of New River, Fourmile Creek
We set out at eleven in the morning with me rowing the Second Sea Sprite, our eight-foot Walker Bay dinghy, down the Lower Fourmile Creek and across the New River to its West Bank.
John Hull
Mile 93
Mouth of New River, Fourmile Creek
Beach sand wide and clean with a few jellies on the wet sand.
John Hull
Mile 93
Mouth of New River, Fourmile Creek
Japanese tsunami debris baseline report: Two Japanese bottles, otherwise the beach is quite clean.
H Witschi
Mile 93
Mouth of New River, Fourmile Creek
Japanese tsunami debris baseline report: SOLV bag still against the boat dock.
H Witschi
Mile 93
Mouth of New River, Fourmile Creek
Japanese tsunami debris baseline report: Placed against the washed -up boat dock a large yellow SOLV bag filled with plastic material and several large Styrofoam pieces; altogether too much debris to carry away.
H Witschi
Mile 93
Mouth of New River, Fourmile Creek
Japanese tsunami debris baseline report:North end of mile 92/south end mile 93 - on a length of about 1/5 to 1/10 of a mile, approximately 10 plastic bottles, half of which have clearly identifiable Japanese lettering.
H Witschi
Mile 93
Mouth of New River, Fourmile Creek
Japanese tsunami debris baseline report: Beaches (Miles 93 and 94) are empty, no trash and no people.
H Witschi