Mile 52 Report
Agate Beach, Garrison Lake, south of Paradise Point SW
July 30, 2021
Most human (26 people) and dog (7) activity was concentrated at the south end of Agate Beach.
Report Details
Most human (26 people) and dog (7) activity was concentrated at the south end of Agate Beach. Almost 50% of the visitors were searching or digging for agates. Excavations created by digging for agates cover large portions of the beach. Over half of the dogs were off-leash. Two people riding one ATV entered the beach at Paradise Point and drove north. Driftline was very clean, with almost no visible debris. Very few shorebirds present on beach. Surveyor observed one Long-billed curlew on waveslope. At least 9 adult murres with one chick each observed offshore. One dead common murre chick found on beach, as well as one unidentified dead seabird.One private property owner recently cut down shore pines along bluff edge. Surveyor will research property ownership to determine if pines were on private or state property.
Temperature: 52 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Moderate. Wind Direction: NW. Tide Level: 1.4 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 26. Number of dogs: 7. Walking or running: 13. Sitting: 4. Four dogs were off-leash. State Park regulatory sign at beach entrance states that dogs must be leashed. ATV drove north towards Elk River (Mile 53)
Disturbances: Shorebirds moving in response to humans/dogs
Notable Wildlife
High numbers of Brown Pelicans offshore (51 birds observed during survey). Common murre adults with chicks offshore. Chicks very vocal. One Long-billed curlew observed near surf.
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 2. 1 dead Common Murre chick 1 unknown dead seabird (no head - black and white plumage)
Driftline Content
Driftline very clean: no kelp, no trash, one dead crab Two floats bobbing in surf just offshore - unknown if abandoned fishing debris or active fishing gear. Mussel bed exposed at south end of beach contains a metal research tag.
Man-made Modifications
Private landowners have created access trails from their properties to the beach. A property owner recently cut down shore pines along bluff overlooking beach, possibly to improve view. Loss of trees may lead to bluff erosion. Unknown if property is private or belongs to state.
Actions & Comments
Plan to research property ownership where shore pines were cut.
Report Images
All Mile 52 Reports
Mile 52
Agate Beach, Garrison Lake, south of Paradise Point SW
Very windy.
Michaela Donato
Mile 52
Agate Beach, Garrison Lake, south of Paradise Point SW
Do to the 20 mph winds there was limited presence of humans or animals.
Tam Donato
Mile 52
Agate Beach, Garrison Lake, south of Paradise Point SW
Everything seemed fine but I thought it was weird there were no birds
Brian / Michaela Donato
Mile 52
Agate Beach, Garrison Lake, south of Paradise Point SW
There was a lot of small wood debris.
Brian Donato
Mile 52
Agate Beach, Garrison Lake, south of Paradise Point SW
There was a lot of small wood debris.
Brian Donato
Mile 52
Agate Beach, Garrison Lake, south of Paradise Point SW
Velella velella in the wrackline.
Crystal Roy
Mile 52
Agate Beach, Garrison Lake, south of Paradise Point SW
Most notable observations were the large amount of wrack debris, including fresh kelp, small woody debris, and remnants of dead gorse plants scattered along waveslope.
Alison Cebula
Mile 52
Agate Beach, Garrison Lake, south of Paradise Point SW
Hazy conditions due to smoke from wildfires in wilderness areas east of Port Orford. Juvenile snowy plover and common murre chick offshore indicate successful nesting. Bleached barnacles on rocks may indicate disease or exposure to extreme temperatures. New home construction noted at southeast end of beach.
Alison Cebula