Mile 329 Report
Sunset Beach, Clatsop Plains, Sunset Lake
May 8, 2023
Overall this mile of the beach has a healthy dune and minimal midweek traffic at this time of year.
Report Details
Overall this mile of the beach has a healthy dune and minimal midweek traffic at this time of year. There is an apparent good supply of crabs for seabirds, based on the number of shells seen along the shoreline. Although some trash was seen on the beach, for the most part, people seemed respectful of the area and enjoyed surf fishing and wind surfing.
Temperature: 58 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Moderate. Wind Direction: NW.
Human Activities
Number of people: 6. Number of dogs: 1. Sitting: 2. Windsurfing: 1. Fishing: 3. Other Activities: Helicopter flying over @1500 hrs. Damage to sand dollars and sea shells from vehicle traffic. Minor trash: plastic bottle, tire tube, soda can, glass bottle.
Litter, Driftwood removal
Apparent violations: Apparent use of large driftwood logs for fires. Also one area of deep tracks where a truck-like vehicle had done wheelies, leaving a circular beach trench..Vehicles
Notable Wildlife
A few seagulls and 3 other small seabirds looking for food along the shoreline.
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1. None noted
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
Numerous empty crab shells and crab claws
Driftline Content
Small rocks, Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces, Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.). Fairly scattered driftwood, some fairly large, and one huge tree trunk
Man-made Modifications
Beachgrass planting or removal.
Natural Changes
No erosion noted. Dune seems fairly healthy, covered with short dune grass—American? Evidence of new patches of longer dune grass in various places on dune.
Actions & Comments
No action required

Report Images
All Mile 329 Reports
Mile 329
Sunset Beach, Clatsop Plains, Sunset Lake
Overall this mile of the beach has a healthy dune and minimal midweek traffic at this time of year.
Mile 329
Sunset Beach, Clatsop Plains, Sunset Lake
Digging out after January's king tides.
Merce and Michael
Mile 329
Sunset Beach, Clatsop Plains, Sunset Lake
The past several days, I have caught myself sniffing and smelling the air on Sunset Beach.