Mile 31 Report
Otter Point State Wayside, Bailey Beach
October 23, 2011
The sea lion was approx.
Report Details
The sea lion was approx. 1 mi. S. of Otter Point.
Temperature: 65 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: NW. Tide Level: 1.5 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 10. Number of dogs: 3. Walking or running: 4. Tidepooling: 6. A motor bike running at high speed, a pickup truck, both ran right up to Otter Point.The motorbike was spooking the seabirds. (There were about 400 birds (seagulls and pelicans) on the beach approx. 1 mi. S. of Otter Point.) The motorbike was doing circles around a live sea lion.
Disturbances: Disturbance/harassment of marine mammals
Notable Wildlife
A live sea lion
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Shells, Small rocks, Wood pieces.
Actions & Comments
No actions taken. The sea lion raised it's head and neck when approached by a dog. The dog decided that discretion was the better part of valor and retreated.The sea lion would turn it's head (without raising it off of the sand) when i walked around it at a distance of approx. 100ft. I photographed it at that distance. (Photos attached.)

Report Images
All Mile 31 Reports
Mile 31
Otter Point State Wayside, Bailey Beach
Dead sea lion observed (no photo, due to camera battery being dead).
Mile 31
Otter Point State Wayside, Bailey Beach
Nine Zarapico (common Mexican name, US common name is "curlew"), a migratory bird seen here every year at about this time.
Mile 31
Otter Point State Wayside, Bailey Beach
Thousands of Velella velella washed up.
Mile 31
Otter Point State Wayside, Bailey Beach
I don't know the species of the whale.
Mile 31
Otter Point State Wayside, Bailey Beach
A very sick black and white bird.
Mile 31
Otter Point State Wayside, Bailey Beach
Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me.