Mile 305 Report
Oswald West SP, Cape Falcon N
July 2, 2012
Uneventful hike.
Report Details
Uneventful hike. No tsunami debris -- if it was, I couldn't tell. A lot more general stuff for this time of year than is usually seen. More plastic floats tossed high onto the rocks than I have ever seen. The access is progressively more hazardous, and I fling these back into the sea, and they come ashore elsewhere. There is no way to get them out safely on the trail up the hill. The rock and gravel in the coves is constantly on the move, but it's always hard to say whether it has been in the state I see it (when I see it) for a long time, or whether the formations are from the previous higher sets of tides! But all in all, a good outing -- any outing where you come back covered only in sweat and dirt, and not blood or bruises, is a good outing on Mile 305.
Temperature: 50 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: SW. Tide Level: -1.6 feet.
Human Activities
There are new PRIVATE PROPERTY and NO TRESPASSING signs on the branch of Elk Flats Road that leads to my parking area. I do not know whether the road is truly private, and I have contacted both homeowners in the past, and they appreciate what I am doing. I'm not sure if this is a shift in policy or perhaps a try at discouraging strangers. If I lose my access point, it would be a very tough hike all the way around the first point just to get into the first cove. I will keep this in mind and cultivate the best relationship I can with the folks who own the nearby property.
Notable Wildlife
More birds than usual, all alive and either flying or feeding.
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
More dead starfish than usual.
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.), Shells, Styrofoam, Wood pieces. Again, much more than typical for this time of year.
Natural Changes
Landslides/major boulder falls.
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All Mile 305 Reports
Mile 305
Oswald West SP, Cape Falcon N
In 50 plus years of visiting this small cove, this is the only time I've ever seen it this calm.
Mile 305
Oswald West SP, Cape Falcon N
First and probably only time I will see my mile in 2015.
Mile 305
Oswald West SP, Cape Falcon N
A great day for a hike during one of the year's lowest tides.
Mile 305
Oswald West SP, Cape Falcon N
Great hike to very end of possible area to walk in due to extremely low tide.
Mile 305
Oswald West SP, Cape Falcon N
Four of us arrived 0600 hours and left about 0900 hours.