Mile 290 Report
Barview Jetty County Park, Camp Magruder south
March 5, 2018
It was one of those rare sunny and almost calm winter days.
Report Details
It was one of those rare sunny and almost calm winter days. Erosion has been less severe than last year. Overtopping brought more drftwood and sand inland than I have observed in the last 5 years. Where oh where are all the pcs of yellow rope coming from?
Temperature: 49 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: S. Tide Level: 5.2 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 15. Number of dogs: 6. Walking or running: 8. Sitting: 3. Fishing: 3. People out enjoying the sun
Driftline Content
Small rocks, Seaweeds and seagrass, Wood pieces, Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Styrofoam, Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.). Dried Velella Velella bodies. Bigger then those I have observed in the past.
Natural Changes
Newly exposed roots/trees falling, Erosion of vegetated foredune, Evidence of wave overtopping.

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All Mile 290 Reports
Mile 290
Barview Jetty County Park, Camp Magruder south
Another fabulous winter day on mile 290.
Mile 290
Barview Jetty County Park, Camp Magruder south
Over 250 dead moon jellies. Over 10 dead sea nettles. Atypical accumulation of kelp of various kinds on the beach
Chris Berrie
Mile 290
Barview Jetty County Park, Camp Magruder south
The drift lines contained many jellies
Connye Corey
Mile 290
Barview Jetty County Park, Camp Magruder south
This dispatch covers 9/23 - 9/24 to supplement to previous reports of unusual jellyfish accumulations. 11 whole sea nettles 33 whole moon jellies Hundreds of small pieces of translucent and red jellies found scattered all along the mile 1 dead common murre, no tag
Chris Berre
Mile 290
Barview Jetty County Park, Camp Magruder south
Beautiful Fall morning.
Connye Corey
Mile 290
Barview Jetty County Park, Camp Magruder south
This dispatch is a supplement previous reports filed on significant eelgrass accumulations on the mile. Large and small piles of eel grass observed all along the mile.
Chris Berrie
Mile 290
Barview Jetty County Park, Camp Magruder south
127 moon or other transparent jellies, whole or mostly whole, plus dozens of pieces, 1-6 inches.
Chris Berrie
Mile 290
Barview Jetty County Park, Camp Magruder south
The purpose of this dispatch is to continue reporting on unusual aggregations of dead jellyfish on the beach, As previously reported. Several large, nearly whole Lions Mane jellies plus hundreds of smaller pieces.
Chris Berrie