Report Details

Lovely day on the beach. Only one noisy small plane flew overhead, I (& everyone else on the beach) was spared the intrusion & noise assault of a low flying helicopter overflight.Quite a few children/preteens seen, mostly towards the south end of my mile, just across the creek from the Beverly Beach campground access. It was on the north side of the creek (or along my mile) that I observed about 5 preteens boogie boarding/playing in the surf. All the exposed bluffs looked as though some additional slow erosion had occurred, but because of all the rain, it looked as though all the loosest particles had been washed down the several bluffs, etc., so most of the bluffs had a freshly washed look, or fresh cut look. Except for the two plastic bottles & the plastic bits in a thin driftline, a very clean beach.I observed that there seems to have been a shift (temporary?) in the deposition pattern of the drift logs--the area around the Alpine Chalet beach access had few to no driftlogs--there are usually quite a few there. There were smaller then usual (to my eye) piles/collections of drift logs near the bluff bases to the north & south of the Alpine Chalet access. But fewer than usual.Garnet sands still exposed to the south of the Alpine Chalet access, no ancient tree trunks exposed. Large pebble/cobbles at the south end of the mile, but many fewer & extended for a much shorter way into my mile, which suggests that more sand has been deposited on the beach since my last mile report & covered up some of the large pebbles/cobble-sized, poorly round to moderately well rounded, rock. Enjoyed my walk in the sun (haven't seen that much sun lately).

Human Activities

Number of people: 23. Number of dogs: 2. Walking or running: 15. Surfing: 2. Other Activities: boogie boarding 05, 3 playing very modified "baseball". 1 dog leashed, one off lead & under control. Vehicles not allowed on this beach w/out permit.


Cars/trucks parking: 10. RVs/Buses parking: 3.

Notable Wildlife

Some seaweed seen just off shore, tide had turned & was coming in after a minus tide of about -1.5 ft around 10:50am/11am.Saw no birds, maybe a few seagulls in the air, typical for this beach.

Driftline Content

Wood pieces. plastic bits, 2 plastic bottles, one w/asian writing on what was left of label. Carried both to car.

Natural Changes

always some erosion occurring, nothing major.

Actions & Comments

Nothing to do about the erosion I saw, it's erosion by wind & water.

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All Mile 224 Reports

Showing 8 of 54 reports

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

January 19, 2025

A dynamic beach observed today, notes re: features seen & photographed noted previously.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

July 5, 2024

Sunny & warm day, with more people & dogs then I've seen in years on the beach, probably because of the heat wave in PDX, the Willamette Valley & so much of the US. In addition to walking the mile to do a Coastwatch report, I participated in a Surfrider day after the 4th beach trash pickup.

s hogg

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

March 16, 2024

Low tide at Yaquina Bay was listed as 12:16 pm today, the north jetty & a headland, and probably about 8-10 miles separate YB from the beach at Otter Rock where my mile is located, I don't know how much those factors change (or not) the exact tide level when I stepped onto the beach this morning OR when I left, about noon. Overall a beautiful day on the beach, on my arrival there were probably 23 people (including surfers) on the beach, that number increased to the number I entered.

S hogg

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

July 22, 2023

Lovely day on the beach.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

July 22, 2023

Very low tide this am, I have no idea what the exact tide level was so I didn't enter a number.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

April 3, 2023

Pleasant if chilly walk on the beach.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

March 11, 2023

Quite a dynamic winter on this mile, more erosion noted, and a moderate sized slide seen on the mile.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 224

Beverly Beach north, Johnson Creek

October 6, 2022

Nice day for a walk on the beach, clean beach, saw 6 cyclists (one solo, I think the rest were more or less together), first time I've seen cyclists on this beach, have seen them off & on from the south jetty north to Lucky Gap access.
