Mile 212 Report
Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek
December 31, 2011
New Year's Eve, the first nice day after several stormy days, brought out more than the usual number of people (18) walking or jogging and enjoying the beach.
Report Details
New Year's Eve, the first nice day after several stormy days, brought out more than the usual number of people (18) walking or jogging and enjoying the beach. It was a good day for raptor sightings, with flyovers by a Red-tailed Hawk, a Cooper's Hawk, and an adult Bald Eagle. The beach is still covered with sand and clean, with only bits of plastic and short pieces of plastic rope in the driftline. Several fairly large sand and rock falls and vegetation undercuts indicate continuing bluff erosion below houses. No trace of the beach hut that was there in October, but someone had written in the sand: I (heart) the Beach!
Temperature: 42 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Moderate. Wind Direction: NE. Tide Level: 3.0 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 18. Number of dogs: 3. Walking or running: 18. Lots of people enjoying the first nice day after a series of rainy days, 17 walking, 1 jogging.
Notable Wildlife
1 Red-tailed Hawk, 1 Cooper's Hawk, 1 Bald EAgle (Adult), 2 Western Gulls, 3 Glaucous-winged Gulls, 1 Crow, 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet; no mammals, no inverts or seaweed
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
Driftline Content
Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.), Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Wood pieces.
Man-made Modifications
Natural Changes
Major cracks appearing in bluffs, Newly exposed roots/trees falling, Visible retreat of solid bluff, Landslides/major boulder falls.
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All Mile 212 Reports
Mile 212
Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek
Biggest feature is the along-shore trough near the shore where base material is currently exposed.
Mile 212
Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek
A new house is being built just south of Grant Creek near an unstable portion of the bluff (picture attached). A new railing installed along a section of riprap (picture attached). A large rock field is exposed along this section (picture attached). Several small slide/slough areas apparent associated with the rains earlier in the month.
Phil Barbour
Mile 212
Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek
A few small slumps and sloughs in the past few months.
Mile 212
Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek
New sections of beach cliff slides
Mile 212
Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek
Two locations with various degrees of erosion.
Mile 212
Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek
A few new drainage pipes and a new cement walkway onto the beach at the south end of the Surfland development.
Mile 212
Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek
Huge Sand erosion centered around South Beach Day use area.