Mile 192 Report
Cape Perpetua north
December 29, 2019
Very bad year for the seagulls and oystercatchers on the Cleft of the Rock sanctuary.
Report Details
Very bad year for the seagulls and oystercatchers on the Cleft of the Rock sanctuary. All of the seagulls hatchlings were killed by eagles or other natural reasons. The eagles seem to be thriving on this mile. I had 7 at one time on the rocks just east of the sanctuary. Previously 5 is the most I had seen at one time. The seals didn't have as many babies this year - 6 in 2019 compared with (if memory serves) 11 in 2018. However, the number of adults living on the sanctuary is roughly the same - generally around 23. A lot of new large logs. All pictures were taken at high tide, which was 11ft.
Temperature: 43 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: SW. Tide Level: 11.0 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 1. Sitting: 1. This part of the coast is mostly inaccessible and rocky, so you never see many people. The person I saw was sitting on a bluff above the rocks.
Notable Wildlife
This year all of the seagull babies born on the Cleft of the Rock sanctuary were killed by eagles or natural purposes. Only one baby made it to fledgling status, and then that was killed as well. Even some of the adults were killed this year. Every day the eagles would (mostly) work in pairs and jump from nest to nest destroying the eggs or killing the babies. First year that has happened in my 4 years here. Even the OSU researchers that monitor the colony are thinking of giving up on it. The oystercatchers also lost the two eggs they were sitting on. A dead seal washed up about 10ft away from their eggs, and that brought in 7 eagles (two adults and 5 still with brown feathers). Needless to say the eagles ate the eggs. The seals that give birth on the Cleft of the Rock colony were back this year, although I only counted 6 baby seals this year. One died when it was smashed against the rocks of the island. One of the adult females died as well. Its baby died the next day. It was heartbreaking to hear it wail for its mother. At its peak I counted 23 adults on the island and 6 babies. Definitely not as many as 2018 (I believe there were 11 last year).
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1. Brown pelican.
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
We had a dead porpoise wash up on the rocks on the north side of Cape Perpetua.
Driftline Content
Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces, Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.). With a seagull colony so close, they bring a lot of animal casings, shells, etc onto the rocks. I've also see two buoys (one white and one green) from boats. There are a lot more large logs as well. They are clearly noticeable due to the color.
New Development
Nothing noticeable.
Man-made Modifications
The only thing is the work ODOT is doing on the bridge/turnout on the west face of Cape Perpetua.
Natural Changes
Visible retreat of solid bluff. The erosion on the north face of the cape if very noticeable.
Actions & Comments
I would love to take some action, but it's not in a spot that is very accessible.

Report Images
All Mile 192 Reports
Mile 192
Cape Perpetua north
Very bad year for the seagulls and oystercatchers on the Cleft of the Rock sanctuary.
Mile 192
Cape Perpetua north
Since much of my mile is rocky with steep embankments, I can't really get down to view it from eye level.
Mile 192
Cape Perpetua north
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Mile 192
Cape Perpetua north
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Mile 192
Cape Perpetua north
The weekend was mild, but foggy and damp from the recent rain, and mile 192 was deserted except for a couple enjoying a walk on the rocks and a man walking two small dogs.
Mile 192
Cape Perpetua north
The day was sunny and warm, with a light breeze, and only a few other people were out exploring.
Mile 192
Cape Perpetua north
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Mile 192
Cape Perpetua north
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