Mile 155 Report
Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek
October 9, 2016
Clear, sunny day with 20 mph wind from southwest and 3 foot waves.
Report Details
Clear, sunny day with 20 mph wind from southwest and 3 foot waves. Few seabirds were observed on the beach but 1 common egret was observed fishing in the estuary as well as 1 immature sandhill crane (extended neck & legs while flying, sandhill crane call, dark plumage). 2 dead extremely decomposed birds with black and white plumage was observed at the high tide line (photo). Many tangles of bull kelp were caste on beach above recent high tide (photo).1 OHV was observed (photo) traveling north past the motorized vehicle closure sign, turning, ad proceeding south. OHV driver (photo) said he thought the closure was only applicable during the Snowy Plover nesting season (4/15-9/15). I told him the the USFS closure was applicable all inclusive but some OHV returned the next day.Collected approximately 50 lbs of litter (75% fishing equipment, 25% drink & food containers)
Human Activities
Number of people: 2. Number of dogs: 1. Walking or running: 2. Blatant 4 wheel OHV intrusion North of Tahkenitch closure sign. Driver said he thought the closure was only applicable during the Snowy Plover nesting season (4/15 - 9/15).
Apparent violations: OHV intrusion north of closure sign.Vehicles
Notable Wildlife
1 Common egret and immature Sandhill Crane in the estuary
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1. 2 black and white birds, very decomposed with bones showing
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.).
Natural Changes
Visible retreat of solid bluff • Erosion of vegetated foredune • Evidence of wave overtopping
Report Images
All Mile 155 Reports
Mile 155
Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek
I first adopted this mile in 1995.
Mile 155
Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek
Warm, sunny day with the wind from the NE at 10-15 mph.
Mile 155
Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek
An overcast day with light wild (10mph) from NW.
Mile 155
Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek
Clear, sunny day with 20 mph wind from southwest and 3 foot waves.
Mile 155
Oregon Dunes NRA, Tahkenitch Creek
Takenitch creek and its associated estuary contained much lower water flow than in previous years with the outlet to the ocean approximately 10 feet wide and 1 foot deep (see pix).