Mile 134 Report
Horsfall Beach, Oregon Dunes NRA, west of Beale Lake, Hauser
September 17, 2009
A peaceful day on Mile 134, thanks to the passingof Labor Day.
Report Details
A peaceful day on Mile 134, thanks to the passingof Labor Day. Still a good number of RV's in theHorsfall campground, with ATV's ready to hit thedunes and beach.Much litter on the beach, which I'm sure the SOLVBeach Clean-up 2 days later took care of. One pallet and many pieces of large lumber. Found5 dead murres, 1 dead gull. Also deceased, anddecomposed were two very large birds, wingspans 3 feet or more, with long, dark hooked beaks. Back to my bird guide...perhaps wedge-tailed shearwaters? A dozen pelicans were flyingin perfect formation. Much bright green grassdistributed along the waterline, along with wholecrabs, jellies of all sizes, shells and carapaces.The foredune is greening up with recent rain, anda very pretty succulant type vine is growing atits base. It is aggressively spreading upto 100 ft. toward the sea. But its days in thesun are numbered; sand is already being distributed along the base of the foredune.The only dog I saw was enjoying the beach withher owners on a flexi-lead. Had the Boxer thatattacked my horse while I was riding 2 miles southa week ago been on a flexi, much trauma could havebeen avoided. I see in another part of the CoastWatch webpage that loose dogs are becoming anincreasing problem. How much havoc do dogs, extensions of their human owners, cause among thewildlife in Oregon? The wild things have enoughto contend with just earning their livings and staying alive, without being harrassed, injuredand killed by people's pets. I have to share something cute overheard in theHorsfall parking lot, which sits about 20 ft. above sea level. Two women drove in and askedthe maintenance man where the waterfall was. Hesaid, "We don't have any waterfalls around here."One woman shook her head with authority: "Yes,it's called Horsfall!"
Temperature: 77 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: S.
Human Activities
Number of people: 5. Number of dogs: 1. Walking or running: 2. A couple walking their dog. A pickup and two ATV'sheading north from Horsfall. Much litter under camp-ground, obviously thrown onto beach from parking area:glass & plastic bottles, glass bottles, cans, fast foodtrash, in spite of available trash receptacles.
Notable Wildlife
Twelve pelicans in flight. A few shorebireds. Small amount of bull kelp.Large amounts of eel grass.
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 8. 5 common murres1 gull2 very large birds, decomposed, but verylong, dark hooked beaks--shearwaters?
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
crab shells of medium and large size,clam shells, many dead jellyfish, mostlysmall, some 10" diameter
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.), Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Shells, Styrofoam, Wood pieces.
Actions & Comments
litter pick up, two bags
All Mile 134 Reports
Mile 134
Horsfall Beach, Oregon Dunes NRA, west of Beale Lake, Hauser
A peaceful day on Mile 134, thanks to the passingof Labor Day.
Mile 134
Horsfall Beach, Oregon Dunes NRA, west of Beale Lake, Hauser
How I had Mile 134 to myself on a beautiful Sunday in June is a mystery.