Report Details

I enjoy experiencing "my" mile in the CoastWatchway, and trying to take in every single thing thatNature has left there for me. Her deep carving ofthe foredunes over the winter with what must havebeen a giant fork was impressive. We'll now havethe fun of seeing if she returns what she tore away as the months go by. Beach was covered by broken shells and a few sand dollars. A small rodent (Coypu)on the beach. Evidence of heavy vehicle use in allowed area but none today. Drainage pipe exposed on beach. Low human impact (4)-walking. Three dogs.


Temperature: 57 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Moderate. Wind Direction: NW. Tide Level: 0.0 feet.

Human Activities

Number of people: 4. Number of dogs: 3. Walking or running: 4. There had been a lot of vehicle activity7 days earlier. Today there was none.


Apparent violations: none.

Notable Wildlife

A small rodent I assumed, after researching, was a coypu. Possibly fellfrom overhanging vegetation on foredune.Very healthy; just direction-turned.

Beached Birds

Total dead birds: 1.

Dead Fish or Invertebrates

Unusual concentration. A few sand dollars. The beach has beencovered with a layer of broken shells of several types for several weeks, and it stretches for miles.several miles.

Driftline Content


New Development

Drainage pipes.

Man-made Modifications

Dune modification/removal, Sand removal.

Natural Changes

Erosion of vegetated foredune. Wave action this winter so erosive that the wreck of the George Olsen was uncovered.

Actions & Comments

"Last night I dreamed a doleful dreamOf Shipwreck, and storm, and harm...."Scottish Ballad, "Sir Patrick Svens"We saw all three on our miles this winter, didn't we?"The uncovered wreck of the George Olsen caused trafficcongestion on the North Spit for weeks. The ocean will be allowed to reclaim her. Mile 128 is north a bit. It is a mile very heavily used by every type of vehicle. But it was deserted on March 16. Observed a coypu at the water line trying to clean himself every time a wave tumbledhim toward shore. I tried to head him away and up tothe foredune, with no luck. He was very healthy, astrong swimmer, and leaped at me with teeth bared whenI got too close. The heavy vegetation on the foredunewas overhung in several places due to heavy erosion, the (former) dune face underneathhaving become part of the beach. In one place the vegetation had collapsed and lay on the beach. Beachgrass lay in numerous clumps along the beach. Otherthan natural debris, including large logs and magnificent stumps, the beach was swept nearly clean ofdebris. One small flock of sanderlings was seen. Thesurf was very brown and foamy, a condition I believe isdue to a diatom die-off. I'm still learning!!!

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All Mile 128 Reports

Showing 8 of 18 reports

Mile 128

North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 4

March 10, 2017

Just reporting the re-exposes wreck, Sara Jo, at South end of Mile 128.

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 128

North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 4

February 21, 2010

Shells in the driftline.


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Mile 128

North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 4

November 15, 2009

Kelp/algae in the driftline.


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Mile 128

North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 4

August 9, 2009

Limited activity of any kind.


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Mile 128

North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 4

May 17, 2009

Nothing unusual with only a few people present (5) and 2 dogs.


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Mile 128

North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 4

March 13, 2009

Continued high tides, carrying a prodigous amount of sizable timber, have battereed the foredune so badly that it appears sculpted in places.


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Mile 128

North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 4

December 16, 2008

I learned a good lesson today about MAKING timefor a good report, rather than taking time when I can find it.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 128

North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 4

November 30, 2008

Quiet, undisturbed.

D Phillips