Mile 11 Report
Cape Ferrelo, Boardman SP, House Rock Creek
March 6, 2010
Today House Rock Creek forms an ever widening triangle on its way to the sea unlike its thin ribbon of summer.
Report Details
Today House Rock Creek forms an ever widening triangle on its way to the sea unlike its thin ribbon of summer. My mission to collect edible seaweeds while reporting on my mile is being thwarted as I realize this .5 tide is not exposing near the seaweeds of a really good negative. I barely cross the creek to continue south before the huge slippery boulders force me to reassess and approach from Cape Ferrelo. One empty car is parked at House Rock and one person at Cape Ferrelo takes in the view. The public rarely upsets mile 11. The only parts that people use much at all are from Lone Ranch Creek and north up the zig-zagging paths to the cape. Very few people walk this section of the Coast Trail or venture down to the beach here. So it goes today. Other than a few gulls and a half dozen seals hauled out on the rock directly north of House Rock I'm alone, not even oystercatchers this calm sunny morning. Only a small patch of sand remains on mile 11's one sandy stretch of beach this time of year. Most of it is rocky shore and somewhat rough going. I traverse what I can, then stop on a hillside amidst baby eyes and miner's lettuce to see what my binoculars reveal: a tranquil day and 3 fishing boats. While it may not make for high adventure, not having dead mammals to report makes me happy, and not having seaweed for dinner will do the same for my family.
Temperature: 55 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: S. Tide Level: 0.5 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 1. Sitting: 1.
Driftline Content
no evident driftline this time of year
Natural Changes
Visible retreat of solid bluff.
All Mile 11 Reports
Mile 11
Cape Ferrelo, Boardman SP, House Rock Creek
Last day of the year, a holiday, and sunny skies got more people than usual out to mile 11.
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Mile 11
Cape Ferrelo, Boardman SP, House Rock Creek
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Mile 11
Cape Ferrelo, Boardman SP, House Rock Creek
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Mile 11
Cape Ferrelo, Boardman SP, House Rock Creek
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Mile 11
Cape Ferrelo, Boardman SP, House Rock Creek
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Mile 11
Cape Ferrelo, Boardman SP, House Rock Creek
It was a calm, sunny day but my 3 family members and I were the only ones walking the rocky shore line of Mile 11.
sandy beach
Mile 11
Cape Ferrelo, Boardman SP, House Rock Creek
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sandy beach
Mile 11
Cape Ferrelo, Boardman SP, House Rock Creek
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sandy beach