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Excellent weather for shoreline exploration. Relatives were visiting us at Little Whale Cove and we took the opportunity, at low tide, to circumnavigate the small cove, climb up on the hill southwest of Little Whale Cove, and look at marine life in the ocean tide pools west of the cove. Lots of seagull activity on the ocean-side. No unusual sightings or activity noted.We climbed over the low pass between Little and Big Whale Cove to explore the north part of Big Whale Cove at low tide. Several caves have formed in he nearly vertical sandstone walls that display cobble to boulder-sized concretions. Also explored the sandstone/basalt contact zone along the northwestern part of Whale Cove.

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All Mile 228 Reports

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Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

July 18, 2023

Clear, warm, calm day with no adverse human behavior.


Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

August 8, 2020

Excluding by sea, the entry to Whale Cove beach requires passage on private property and an easement provided by USFW, so it was unusual to find such a collection of beachgoers.


Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

October 23, 2018

All human activity was at the Rocky Creek wayside, not Whale Cove.


Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

May 5, 2018

Both the Whale Cove beach and Rocky Creek wayside were in good condition as usual, however there were rubber surf boards and a downspout that were found both on the beach below the houses on the bluff and hung up among small vegetation on the cliff in between the houses and the beach.


Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

January 18, 2018

Although not king tide level, high waves at high tide on Jan 18, 2018 reached all the way into the inner reaches of Whale Cove's sandy cliffs.


Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

January 2, 2018

Coast Guard and Depoe Bay fire crews rescued a 19-year-old male hiker in the vicinity of Whale Cove, after he reportedly suffered seizures and became immobilized Tuesday evening.


Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

October 15, 2017

Both Whale Cove and Rocky Creek were in good shape and quite free of debris.


Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

March 19, 2017

There was a notable increase in driftwood and debris that had washed up onto the Whale Cove beach.
