Mile Details

Mile 334 Image Gallery

Engage in hands-on conservation efforts through CoastWatch's Adopt a Mile program.

All Mile 334 Reports

Showing 4 of 12 reports

Mile 334

Columbia Beach, Warrenton, Camp Rilea MR

January 19, 2010

Hit the beach at high water and large surf.


Mile 334

Columbia Beach, Warrenton, Camp Rilea MR

December 12, 2009

Conditions at the beach were sunny and calm during a falling neap tide, and it was surprisingly warm during this intense cold spell we’ve been experiencing.


Mile 334

Columbia Beach, Warrenton, Camp Rilea MR

November 27, 2009

Set out around midday and low tide.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 334

Columbia Beach, Warrenton, Camp Rilea MR

November 29, 2007

Cold day on beach with no people and only sanderings present.
