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All Mile 228 Reports

Showing 8 of 37 reports

Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

November 21, 2016

No significant changes to Whale Cove.


Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

September 25, 2016

Whale Cove has recently acquired its Wildlife Refuge designation, so the intrusion of humans is now more difficult and development prohibited.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

February 26, 2016

There is very little human activity on the Whale Cove beach now for two reasons: 1) Much of the surrounding land is now owned and controlled by the USFWS and only a limited number of people have official access; 2) The storms in December took out the ladder to the beach, so even those allowed can't get down easily.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

January 23, 2015

Big news on Whale Cove!


Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

December 22, 2014

I took a look at the north side of Whale Cove at the peak of the "King Tide" to see if there was anything unusual.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

January 24, 2014

Wow that is awesome news about the transfer of land to the USFWS!


Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

July 13, 2013

MP 228 Description65% (northern part) of the mile consists of a cove (Whale Cove) which is a half-mile wide breach in a basalt headland.

Mile 228

Rocky Creek State Wayside, Whale Cove

December 14, 2012

Mostly sunny day with light winds at noon.