Mile Details

All Mile 146 Reports

Showing 8 of 23 reports

Mile 146

North Jetty, South Jetty Umpqua River, Lighthouse

February 19, 2019

Bluff retreat and wave-overtopping observed at the back of the beach on this mile.


Mile 146

North Jetty, South Jetty Umpqua River, Lighthouse

January 4, 2018

It was a beautiful warm day at the beach.


Mile 146

North Jetty, South Jetty Umpqua River, Lighthouse

August 2, 2017

Beautiful day at the beach, many, many enjoying it.


Mile 146

North Jetty, South Jetty Umpqua River, Lighthouse

February 26, 2017


Mile 146

North Jetty, South Jetty Umpqua River, Lighthouse

January 23, 2017

It was a beautiful calm day at the beach.


Mile 146

North Jetty, South Jetty Umpqua River, Lighthouse

January 2, 2014

A nice day to visit and play at the beach.


Mile 146

North Jetty, South Jetty Umpqua River, Lighthouse

January 1, 2014

It was a beautiful day which may have contributed to so many taking the rough drive down Sparrow Park Road to enjoy the beach.


Mile 146

North Jetty, South Jetty Umpqua River, Lighthouse

August 14, 2013

Everyone seemed to be enjoying the sunny beach.
