All Mile 117 Reports

Showing 8 of 17 reports

Mile 117

Cape Arago, Drake Point, North Cove

February 20, 2010

NORTH COVE: Evidence of new erosion in the form of small slides with mud and stones covering some of the driftwood logs on the beach.


Mile 117

Cape Arago, Drake Point, North Cove

December 20, 2009

Winter storms have cleared away the seaweed driftline.


Mile 117

Cape Arago, Drake Point, North Cove

September 20, 2009

Unusual to find six dead sea lions in the North Cove.


Mile 117

Cape Arago, Drake Point, North Cove

June 14, 2009

North Cove closed for pupping season so observations made from cliff top.


Mile 117

Cape Arago, Drake Point, North Cove

November 2, 2008

The north cove is always full of life.


Mile 117

Cape Arago, Drake Point, North Cove

June 7, 2008

During pupping season the North Cove is closed.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 117

Cape Arago, Drake Point, North Cove

January 12, 2008

Shells, animal casings, small rocks, wood pieces and Styrofoam in driftline.


Mile 117

Cape Arago, Drake Point, North Cove

December 9, 2007

During this quarter, there are usually 1 or 2 people on the North Cover beach and the most we saw was 18.
