1. Choose a Mile

Choose a convenient beach that has safe, convenient access. Search our map of miles to view community insights and which numbers correspond. Most miles adopted by schools also have volunteers who walk those miles in the summer months.


2. Connect with Us

Connect with the CoastWatch Program Manager to set up an online account. Both teachers and students may submit observations via a fillable form and upload photos. This information is then added to our map of miles.

3. Class Orientation

A CWIS coordinator will meet with the class (virtually or in the classroom) and discuss mile history, what to observe, and what, if any, community science projects are collecting data on this mile. Classrooms may join an existing project or develop a new one that aligns with their desired learning outcomes.


4. Get Outside

Schedule your beachwalks once to twice a month. CWIS will coordinate with experts for on-the-beach meetings, in-classroom presentations, and/or virtual conversations, all related to student project work on that mile. Oregon Shores can help logistically with planning and may be able to assist with transportation funding and/or coordination. Please inquire about opportunities.

We need your help to preserve the legacy of our Oregon coast for all generations