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Sea Level Rise in Oregon
A summary of anticipated effects and projections of sea level rise in Oregon. Meg Reed, Coastal Policy Specialist for the Oregon Coastal Management Program, gives an overview of new sea level rise adaptation planning resources that DLCD has developed and discusses how the department hopes the resources will be used, and summarizes the ongoing sea level rise adaptation planning project the department is supporting in partnership with Clatsop County. DLCD serves as the lead administrative agency for the Oregon Coastal Management Program, which is Oregon’s federally approved coastal management program. Its staff delivers data and technical assistance to coastal communities relating to coastal hazards and resilience, natural resource management and protection, climate change adaptation, and estuary and territorial sea planning. Meg is the Coastal Policy Specialist for the Oregon Coastal Management Program, administered through the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). She provides policy expertise, advice, and assistance to local governments and practitioners on the policies of the Oregon Coastal Management Program, with emphasis on planning for estuaries, coastal shorelands, and the impacts of climate change. She has been with DLCD for 8 years. Reed received her Bachelor of Science degree from Roger Williams University in Marine Biology and Environmental Science and has a Master of Science degree from the University of New Hampshire in the integration of science, policy, and management of coastal resources.