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Photos Shared with Oregon Shores Help Illustrate Our Work

As you’ve likely noticed if you visit this website regularly, Oregon Shores uses numerous photographs of the shoreline and of the entire coastal region. We illustrate articles on this website, and we also use photos in newsletters and e-bulletins and in various other publications, such as CoastWatch handouts.
We’re constantly searching for new images of the coast. Some we seek for their sheer beauty, but we have a special need for shots of areas where we are involved in land use or other issues, or of marine reserve areas, or of species or habitats of special concern, or of activities related to CoastWatch and our other programs. We’ve launched a new effort to obtain photos that might be pertinent to our work in advance, so we’ll have them available when we need to illustrate an article or put together a flyer, often on short notice.
Do you have some great photos of the Oregon coast? Would you like to help Oregon Shores by allowing us to use your photos in our publications or online? Join the Oregon Shores Flickr Group and share your photos with us. When used on the web, your photos will be attributed to your Flickr screen name and linked to your photostream, bringing you worldwide fame and glory. When used in print, your photos will be credited to you by name. Contributors receive recognition and appreciation at annual meetings and other public functions. Your photos may be used for a variety of worthy causes, including:
- Education
- Conservation
- Land Use Program and Coastal Law Project
- Climate change planning
- CoastWatch monitoring
- Citizen science programs
Anyone can join Flickr for free, and any Flickr member can post photos to our group by clicking here.
We’ll be gleaning the best or most relevant of the photos for Oregon Shores’ use. But anyone can visit the Flickr site to get a glimpse of some marvelous coastal photos.
Our thanks go to Alex Derr, a CoastWatcher and Oregon Shores member whose own photos have graced many of our website articles and publications, who created the Flickr site for us, and is curating the photos that volunteer photographers submit.