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Cascade Head Management Plan Open For Public Comment
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Reserves Program has released a draft of the Cascade Head Site Management Plan for public comment. Comments are to be submitted by email to by June 16th. The Draft Plan outlines the state’s marine reserve mandates and describes the management strategies that have been developed for the Cascade Head Marine Reserve site.
Site management plans, developed for each of Oregon’s reserve sites, can be used:
- To understand the state’s mandates guiding the implementation of Oregon’s marine reserves and the ODFW Marine Reserves Program.
- To see the state’s and the communities’ priorities for management of the site.
- To see the management strategies that ODFW and our state agency management partners are committed to carrying out for the site.
- To understand the local communities’ interests for activities above and beyond what is being carried out by ODFW or our state agency management partners.
Draft Cascade Head Site Management Plan – comments due by June 16, 2017
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