Mile 53 Report
South of Elk River mouth, north of Paradise Point SW
September 4, 2022
This was my first coast watch walk for the full 3 miles.
Report Details
This was my first coast watch walk for the full 3 miles. I don't know what is allowed on the sand banks, etc. in regards to the public or private roads. It looked like a couple new motorized vehicles trails were going up and over the bluffs eastward and potentially causing erosion and destruction of the bank. There lots of scattered plastic strips all along the shoreline. I believe a feed sack decomposing. Only one water bottle. The beach was very clean otherwise. I am not sure of the rules. I did not confront anyone. 2 tents were pitched next to the bank just before the Elk River comes out to the beach. It appeared that they had a campfire on the beach as I saw smoke drifting in front of tents. No sight of people or pets. About 1/4 mile north I came upon a fairly recently deceased Sea Lion. I reported it and texted photos. I received a response in kind.
Temperature: 60 F. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light.
Human Activities
Number of people: 4. Number of dogs: 1. Playing in sand: 4. Other Activities: A truck and a jeep drove past me and my dog on the beach.. I am not sure of the rules. I did not confront anyone. 2 tents were pitched next to the bank just before the Elk River comes out to the beach. It appeared that they had a campfire on the beach as I saw smoke drifting in front of tents. No sight of people or pets.
Notable Wildlife
I saw a Bald Eagle in flight. I filmed a small group of 4 pipers of some kind, in the surf about a 1/4 - 1/2 mi south of the Elk River. I couldn't get very close and I didn't have my binocs!!! Sea Gulls, Cormorants sunning. I saw a few pelicans fly over the surf.
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1. I am not sure what the dead bird is. I will attempt to add the photo.
Stranded Marine Mammals
Total stranded mammals: 1. About 1/4 mile north I came upon a fairly recently deceased Sea Lion. I reported it and texted photos. I received a response in kind.
Driftline Content
Small rocks, Seaweeds and seagrass, Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces. There lots of scattered plastic strips all along the shoreline. I believe a feed sack decomposing. Only one water bottle. The beach was very clean otherwise.
Man-made Modifications
This was my first coast watch walk for the full 3 miles. I don't know what is allowed on the sand banks, etc. in regards to the public or private roads. It looked like a couple new motorized vehicles trails were going up and over the bluffs eastward and potentially causing erosion and destruction of the bank.

Report Images
All Mile 53 Reports
Mile 53
South of Elk River mouth, north of Paradise Point SW
This was my first coast watch walk for the full 3 miles.
Mile 53
South of Elk River mouth, north of Paradise Point SW
This is my initial survey of this mile.
Mile 53
South of Elk River mouth, north of Paradise Point SW
The day was beautiful and clear.
Mile 53
South of Elk River mouth, north of Paradise Point SW
This a very rough surf area of the coast with a sharp drop off.
Mile 53
South of Elk River mouth, north of Paradise Point SW
This was my first time as a mile 53 Walker.