Mile 339 Report
Clatsop Spit, Fort Stevens SP
April 23, 2018
Everything is just fine.
Report Details
Everything is just fine.
Temperature: 56 F. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: E. Tide Level: -1.0 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 50. Number of dogs: 10. Fishing: 5. Other Activities: Clamming. Mostly all clammers.
Notable Wildlife
Beached Birds
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
Driftline Content
Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces. Virtually no plastics
New Development
No noticeable changes since last month's report.
Natural Changes
No changes.
Report Images
All Mile 339 Reports
Mile 339
Clatsop Spit, Fort Stevens SP
Nothing unusual - a few more people than usual.
Ed Joyce
Mile 339
Clatsop Spit, Fort Stevens SP
Very little marine debris noted. In photos, note blocks of slumping dunes.
Ed Joyce