Report Details

We began walk at N44'53.632 and finished at N44'55.157 when we became too laden with trash and left it in receptacle at boat launch. On way back, birds noted on the bay side of spit: coots, Surf scoter, White-winged scoter, grebe, merganser, cormorant, mallard, egret, and Great Blue heron.Please note that we left a crab pot buoy at N44'54.686, colors white/green/yellow with #22.


Temperature: 43 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy.

Human Activities

Number of people: 4. Number of dogs: 2. Walking or running: 4.



Notable Wildlife

Saw flocks of surfbirds and sanderlings.

Beached Birds

Saw the right wing of a Black turnstone, and predation of a small bird, possibly a sanderling (just a pile of feathers stained with blood).

Dead Fish or Invertebrates

Saw the head of a fairly large fish (cod?), species not noted.

Driftline Content

Seaweeds and seagrass, Shells, Wood pieces. Collected various debris such as plastic bottles, plastic sheeting, nylon rope, foam rubber, etc.

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All Mile 239 Reports

Showing 8 of 91 reports

Mile 239

Salishan Spit north, Siletz Bay

December 1, 2024

A pleasant sunny day after many rainy ones.

Linda Reid

Mile 239

Salishan Spit north, Siletz Bay

July 7, 2024

Pleasant breezy day.

Linda Reid

Mile 239

Salishan Spit north, Siletz Bay

May 26, 2024

A pleasant calm day on the holiday weekend.

Linda and Clyde

Mile 239

Salishan Spit north, Siletz Bay

March 16, 2024

A beautiful 70-degree day in mid-March .

Linda Reid

Mile 239

Salishan Spit north, Siletz Bay

November 12, 2023

Not a bad fall day for a walk with our out-of-town visitors, but walking the beach was impossible due to the high tide and big waves, which were reaching the beach grass area and bouncing large pieces of driftwood around.


Mile 239

Salishan Spit north, Siletz Bay

July 12, 2023

As nice a summer day as we get here on the coast.


Mile 239

Salishan Spit north, Siletz Bay

April 30, 2023

After a winter and spring of horrible weather, we finally got out to survey our mile on a mild day.


Mile 239

Salishan Spit north, Siletz Bay

November 20, 2022

Sunny, calm day.
