Mile 23 Report
Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek
January 5, 2011
About a dozen people enjoying mild winter day on beach.
Report Details
About a dozen people enjoying mild winter day on beach. Playing, walking, photographing. Driftline has much more and much larger woody debris than usual. Steep winter cut on dune faces is beginning. Wet sand high on foredune indicates recent high tide, maybe storm. Oddest thing: man repeatedly throwing net across Myers Creek at its narrowest point (about 4 ft) on beach, just before the water fanned out. No catch apparent. As we approach, he stuffs his net into a backpack and walks away. Thirty minutes later I hail a passing highway patrolman, and report what we saw. The officer asked for a description of the fisherman and said he would report to ODFW. We enjoyed a surprisingly beautiful sunset from the N end of mile 23.
Temperature: 50 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Tide Level: 3.0 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 12. Walking or running: 5. Playing in surf: 1. Playing in sand: 4. Photography: 3. Fishing: 1. Other Activities: sanddollar collecting. Pleasant day; fine sunset about 5 p.m. Mom and 3 kids using perennial driftwood fort at S. end. Others walking on beach, taking pictures. The fisherman appeared to be Native American and put away his net and left as we approached.
Notable Wildlife
Fewer birds than "normal"
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Wood pieces. Plentiful and large woody debris especially at S end. Two large piles of kelp.
All Mile 23 Reports
Mile 23
Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek
Found the partial remains of a large (6'x6') cylindrical buoy on top of driftwood about 1/3 mile north of Henrys Rock (monolithic HR marks the south end of mile 23. Your reporter called Harris Beach SP who is responsible for cleanup of Pistol River SP which mile 23 is within. The rest of the beach is smooth and litter free.
Bob Harvey
Mile 23
Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek
There was a lot of small plastic debris and natural tree debris along the tide line between Meyers Creek and a short distance south of the stacks.
Mile 23
Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek
Steep newly cut foredunes and rocks more exposed because of winter waves scouring the beach.
Bob Harvey
Mile 23
Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek
The cave in one of the monoliths was accessible.
Bob Harvey
Mile 23
Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek
The tallest dunes (~10ft) are being eroded as they are each year.
Bob Harvey