Mile 218 Report
Agate Beach, State Wayside, Little Creek
September 22, 2011
What a difference a day or two makes.
Report Details
What a difference a day or two makes. In the past 48 hours, the season's first big surf has come rolling up into the summer dune field. The most seaward 'row' of dunes has been overtopped and flattened. The bigger waves also reached well into the 'valleys' between the higher beach dunes, as far as 25-30 metres carrying the wrack line into the dry sand areas. Lots of surf-grass, sea palms and feather boa kelp on the wet sand. Nearer the surfline, a score of large piles of bull kelp (up to 4-5 metres long and a metre high) dot the sand. A few of the smaller logs that haven't moved since coming ashore after the Columbia River freshet in May-June were moved higher up the beach by last night's big surf and high tide.
Temperature: 59 F. Cloud Cover: Foggy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: SW.
Human Activities
Number of people: 2. Walking or running: 2.
Notable Wildlife
Several Western gulls, four wimbrels, one great blue heron
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.), Shells, Small rocks, Wood pieces. One crab float, one flip-flop
All Mile 218 Reports
Mile 218
Agate Beach, State Wayside, Little Creek
*** Watch Note *** This is my first documentation of Mile 218 (Agate Beach) and I will use today's report as a baseline for reporting future changes.
Mile 218
Agate Beach, State Wayside, Little Creek
I first attempted this survey on June 17.
Mile 218
Agate Beach, State Wayside, Little Creek
Very few people on the beach; most of them arrived just prior to sunset (which was beautiful).
Mile 218
Agate Beach, State Wayside, Little Creek
Beautiful clear afternoon with no problems noticed.
Mile 218
Agate Beach, State Wayside, Little Creek
Most of the people were at the north end of the beach.
Mile 218
Agate Beach, State Wayside, Little Creek
A lot of people on the beach this evening -- hard to keep count!
Mile 218
Agate Beach, State Wayside, Little Creek
Better late than never -- I missed reporting in March!