Report Details

One person was on the beach, apparently rock hunting. A few birds were flying over or foraging on the beach. There were four pigeon guillemots in the surf - a few nest in burrows at the top of the cliffs along this stretch of beach. An old decomposed sea lion carcass was in Moore Creek where the creek entered the upper beach. In January, 2006 a major crack appeared separating a large chunk of beach cliff just north of Grant Creek. This chunk is now eroded to a vegetation-topped pinnacle (see comparative photos). Minor sand slumps and rock falls continue to erode the beach cliffs along this mile. At about 11:00, at tide level 3 ft above MLLW, we found one of the ancient stumps exposed in the surf line just south of Moore Creek. These stumps were part of a forest that existed above the beach several hundred years ago. They ended up at beach level as a result of a large earthquake that caused the land to drop several feet.


Temperature: 54 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: NW. Tide Level: 2.0 feet.

Human Activities

Number of people: 1. At the beach approach there is a box with bags for people to pick up beach trash. Apparently this is regularly used, as this beach is relatively clean.


Apparent violations: Tire tracks on beach.


RVs/Buses parking: 1.

Notable Wildlife

Live eagles, gulls, crows, swallows, double-crested cormorants, 2 whimbrel and a turkey vulture all flying over; 2 brown-headed cowbirds, 4 pigeon guillemots (in surf), 1 spotted sandpiper on beach

Stranded Marine Mammals

Total stranded mammals: 1. Very old decomposed sea lion in Moore Creek as the creek enters the beach

Dead Fish or Invertebrates

Scattered Dungeness crab and mole crab carapaces

Driftline Content

Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.), Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Shells, Small rocks, Styrofoam, Wood pieces. plastic and glass bottles

Man-made Modifications

no new development

Natural Changes

Visible retreat of solid bluff. Several minor sand slumps and rockfalls

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All Mile 212 Reports

Showing 8 of 32 reports

Mile 212

Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek

August 20, 2024

Biggest feature is the along-shore trough near the shore where base material is currently exposed.


Mile 212

Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek

December 20, 2023

A new house is being built just south of Grant Creek near an unstable portion of the bluff (picture attached). A new railing installed along a section of riprap (picture attached). A large rock field is exposed along this section (picture attached). Several small slide/slough areas apparent associated with the rains earlier in the month.

Phil Barbour

Mile 212

Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek

March 15, 2023

A few small slumps and sloughs in the past few months.


Mile 212

Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek

December 29, 2021

New sections of beach cliff slides 


Mile 212

Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek

October 9, 2021

Two locations with various degrees of erosion.


Mile 212

Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek

July 15, 2021


Mile 212

Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek

April 21, 2021

A few new drainage pipes and a new cement walkway onto the beach at the south end of the Surfland development.


Mile 212

Holiday Beach north, Moore Creek, Grant Creek

January 21, 2021

Huge Sand erosion centered around South Beach Day use area.
