Mile 2 Report
McVay Creek, South of Red Point
February 13, 2008
Walked the whole mile in two days and found the tides and rain has caused erosion to the bluffs near the McVey Park.
Report Details
Walked the whole mile in two days and found the tides and rain has caused erosion to the bluffs near the McVey Park. found one dead Grebe again(9 total this year) the mile was very clean of trash and had lots of new driftwood and kelp washed ashore during the storms. sand shifting and rocks showing I've not seen before. beautiful days to walk the 11, and 13th of February.
Human Activities
Number of people: 4. Number of dogs: 1. Walking or running: 4. due to the sand gone, took two days to walk the whole mile safely. at McVey Park, a car parked. The path to the beach was very hard to walk down, due to erosion.(see picture) Called the State Park division about it, as this is the only public access to the beach from the boarder to Brookings - Harbor, Sportshaven Beach. The park now has Frisbee® golf posts installed for public use in the park.(see picture)
Notable Wildlife
flocks of seagulls flying and many on the rocks & beach. Cormorants and turkey vulchers also in the area. seaweed on the tide driff lines some crab shells and fishheads there also.
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1. one dead grebe spoted(new-see picture)neck had fresh blood.
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
just the fish heads from crab traps?pieces of jelly fish
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Shells, Small rocks, Wood pieces.
Natural Changes
Landslides/major boulder falls.
Actions & Comments
I called the park Service and requested the path to the beach be fixed, or repaired at McVey Park. No money alloted for that yet, they were working on it, was additional land slide of dirt, rock and bushes in the last month.near the park.Demention lumber washed up on the beach also. large,(12"x12"x25'?) square.

Report Images
All Mile 2 Reports
Mile 2
McVay Creek, South of Red Point
I took these about 11:45-12:00 today.
Mile 2
McVay Creek, South of Red Point
Mile two has had a busy week with the debri washing-up from the boat that sank in the harbor .
Mile 2
McVay Creek, South of Red Point
I try and walk this mile three or four times a week.
Mile 2
McVay Creek, South of Red Point
Beach was very normal and natural.
Mile 2
McVay Creek, South of Red Point
Mile 2
McVay Creek, South of Red Point
Beach was clear of all types of trash and in very good condition.
Mile 2
McVay Creek, South of Red Point
The shore showed very little change from prior walks.
Mile 2
McVay Creek, South of Red Point
The last part of mile 2 (ends at Red Point) I was able to walk because no one around to stop me when I went looking for permission to pass the NO TRESPASS signs.