Mile 188 Report
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
July 14, 2018
We decided to explore this stretch of beach due to the significant minus tide on July 14th.
Report Details
We decided to explore this stretch of beach due to the significant minus tide on July 14th. Many others apparently had the same idea. Most people were taking advantage of the conditions to check out the tide-pools and hunt for rocks/agates but there was one sizeable group from OSU which was conducting "hundreds of studies" including monitoring the algae and oxygen level of the ocean as well as "relocating sea stars." The usual harbor seals were not seen until the tide was coming in (around noon) but what was perhaps strangest about this trip were the hundreds of small green crabs noted on the north end of Strawberry Hill Beach. Otherwise, there were, as usual, scores of anemones, mussels, birds (including one osprey), and sea stars (I'd heard that the condition of the sea stars was "not good" but I have no experience as to evaluating the health of these creatures).
Temperature: 61 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: N. Tide Level: -1.8 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 42. Number of dogs: 4. Walking or running: 42. Playing in sand: 3. Tidepooling: 28. Other Activities: Due to the minus tide, many people were taking advantage of the situation to check out the tide-pools as well as hunt for agates along the beach. Among this large group was a fairly sizable contingent (approximately 25) from OSU who were conducting "hundreds of studies" including monitoring the oxygenation and algae of the ocean as well as "relocating sea stars." This group was also replacing several of the "pot scrubbers" that were noted in the last report (please see pictures).. The parking lot at Strawberry Hill was fairly full for the entire three hours that we were there. There were only four or five vehicles at the Neptune South parking lot.
Notable Wildlife
There were the usual species of birds (including one osprey) but what was lacking were the harbor seals who did not make an appearance on the rocks until the tide was coming back in - approximately noon. There were many anemones, mussels, and sea stars observed due to the low tide but what was most unusual were the hundreds of small, green crabs seen scurrying over the rocks and tide-pools on the north end of Strawberry Hill beach.
Beached Birds
None noted.
Stranded Marine Mammals
None noted.
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
There were the usual crab and mussel shells along the tide line but these did not seem to be more than have been usually spotted.
Driftline Content
Small rocks, Seaweeds and seagrass, Shells, Wood pieces. Perhaps what struck us the most was the near absence of debris of any kind seen along the beach - no trash, plastic bottles, micro-pellets, etc. Only one large rope was seen on the rocks along the southern edge of Neptune South Beach.
New Development
As noted in the previous report, there are no human structures/developments along this stretch of beach.
Man-made Modifications
Natural Changes
Landslides/major boulder falls. The bluffs above the beach showed evidence of fairly recent but small landslides; there was also some evidence of re-vegetation on these and other, older landslides. The usual seepage and few small (very small by comparison with the previous report) waterfalls were observed.
Actions & Comments
None taken.

Report Images
All Mile 188 Reports
Mile 188
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
Mile 188 is a beautiful, diverse stretch of the Oregon coast.
Mark Gasiorowski
Mile 188
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
It was a beautiful day at Strawberry Hill.
Mark Gasiorowski
Mile 188
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
It was a beautiful day at Strawberry Hill, with many visitors -- and the resident harbor seals -- enjoying the balmy weather.
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Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
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Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
It was another beautiful day at Mile 188.
Mile 188
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
It was a beautiful day at Mile 188, with the resident harbor seals dozing on the rocks just offshore and many gulls flying around.
Mile 188
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
There were two mudslides on the north beach, 20-40 yards north of the parking area, that appeared to be recent.