Mile 188 Report
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
December 16, 2011
The sand is out on north side of wayside - looks like winter is here.
Report Details
The sand is out on north side of wayside - looks like winter is here. 3 crab boats out!
Temperature: 45 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: NW. Tide Level: 3.2 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 3. Walking or running: 1.
Notable Wildlife
no birds on shore, 7 scoters in surf
Driftline Content
Small rocks, Wood pieces. very little in surf line
All Mile 188 Reports
Mile 188
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
It was a beautiful day at Strawberry Hill.
Mark Gasiorowski
Mile 188
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
It was a beautiful day at Strawberry Hill, with many visitors -- and the resident harbor seals -- enjoying the balmy weather.
Mark Gasiorowski
Mile 188
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
The high surf (even at low tide) made for dramatic conditions during this visit.
Mark Gasiorowski
Mile 188
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
Mile 188 has no notable changes since my last visit two months ago.
Mile 188
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
It was another beautiful day at Mile 188.
Mile 188
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
It was a beautiful day at Mile 188, with the resident harbor seals dozing on the rocks just offshore and many gulls flying around.
Mile 188
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
There were two mudslides on the north beach, 20-40 yards north of the parking area, that appeared to be recent.
Mile 188
Neptune SP, Strawberry Hill Picnic Area
It was a beautiful day at Strawberry Hill.