Mile 125 Report
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay
December 19, 2009
12/19 was supposed to be stormy, but instead gave us a warm 56 high temp.
Report Details
12/19 was supposed to be stormy, but instead gave us a warm 56 high temp. and a partially sunnyday. Although the tide was outgoing, the surf wasso high that I did not risk exploring all of 126.My newly assigned Mile 125 begins at Coos Bay'sNorth Jetty. The jetty underwent a mammoth rein-forcement project all of last Spring, a caravanof trucks running back and forth 6 days a week with their enormous rocks to get the job done.Recent storms have deposited more timber thanhas been seen in the last 5 years by this milewatcher. Tree trunks taller than my horse'sback seem stuck in the driftline, perhaps 10or so. Smaller trunks, some as long as 18ft. lay beside limbs of all widths and lengths.All of this lies in the vicinity of the wreck ofthe George Olson, uncovered by the elements in 2007, and now reclaimed by sand. Enough treated lumber to build a garage had also found its way onto the beach. A few pieces on each walk would not be an unusual sight, but this lumber was surely dumped purposely. Much of itwas studded with nails, a real hazard later inthe 2010 when it is partially covered by sand. Onedead tire was spotted, and every imaginable typeof plastic littered the beach. No dead birds oranimals. Clumps of eelgrass were everywhere, and a flockof Sanderlings were enjoying the beach in theirown way, which is so enjoyable to watch. One distubing observation is the increasing number of trucks and ATV's, accessing the sand road off the Trans Pacific Highway, who are allowing their dogs to run loose as they proceed. The dogs are out of the control of their owners and are a potential menace to other beach/dune users. I noted on thisride that 3 dogs, accompanying an ATV, veered down into the wide expanse of afterduneand flushed a covey of grouse, then giving chase.I would like State Parks personnel to considersigns along the road that might help prevent wildlife from being harrassed.
Temperature: 56 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Tide Level: 7.0 feet.
Notable Wildlife
The only sign of animal life was brokenclam and mussel shells.
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.), Shells, Wood pieces. timber, large and small, and lumber, mostly treated
Natural Changes
foredune erosion from winter storms. wave action visible today, 2 2/2 hrs. after high tide. beach closed off at one point by waves hitting foredune.
Actions & Comments
No. But how would treated lumber enter the ocean?The timber that washes down into the rivers during winter storms certainly causes a hazard to boaters.However, it makes the beach more interestingwhen tree trunks are tossed up that stand higher than myhorse's back! Mile 125/126 had eight of these huge partial trunks lying at the driftline.
All Mile 125 Reports
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North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay
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North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay
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North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay
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