Mile 120 Report
Sunset Bay, Qochyax Island
December 5, 2010
This is the first official mile report from the South Coast Unitarian-Universalists since we gave up mile 128 and switched to mile 120.
Report Details
This is the first official mile report from the South Coast Unitarian-Universalists since we gave up mile 128 and switched to mile 120. On mile 128, we were able to walk the entire one mile on the beach easily. Mile 120, at Sunset Bay has many portions not readily accessible, so some of our reports will rely on observations made from nearby trails, rather than at the actual tide line. This mile has at least one plant of the special status, Western Lily [Lilium occidentalis],(north of the Norton Gulch camping area).
Temperature: 51 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Tide Level: 8.0 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 30. Number of dogs: 8. Walking or running: 20. Sitting: 2. Fishing: 2.
Notable Wildlife
Many Gulls. Harbor Seal. Washed up algae included Postelsia, Laminaria, Nereocystis, (and the "feather boa").
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass.
Man-made Modifications
Natural Changes
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All Mile 120 Reports
Mile 120
Sunset Bay, Qochyax Island
In addition to the 6 kayaks in the water, 5 other boats and 4 surfboards on cars in the (3) lots.
Mile 120
Sunset Bay, Qochyax Island
Very busy "day at the beach"--not surprising for Sunday of Labor Day Weekend; what did surprise me was the relatively low number of out-of-state license plates.
Mile 120
Sunset Bay, Qochyax Island
Sunset Bay was overwhelmed by visitors presumably drawn by the "High Surf" warnings on their weather apps or, I suspect, by awareness of the "King Tide" phenomenon.
Mile 120
Sunset Bay, Qochyax Island
A lot of people have a good time on the beach.
Mile 120
Sunset Bay, Qochyax Island
This area appeared to me to have been somewhat laid to waste by high waves along with rain which flooded the parking lots and, of course, the beach.